Common Challenges Developers Faces in Mobile App Development

As mobile internet usage continues to rise across the globe, an important portion of it goes into mobile applications. Research shows that 90% of mobile internet time gets spent on mobile apps. There are currently over 2.9 million applications on the Google Play Store, with around a thousand new apps being released every month. The Apple App Store holds about 3.75 million applications. All of these figures go to show us that most businesses are recognizing the potential of mobile applications. They know the importance of giving their consumers this channel to connect with them. However, many mobile app development companies run into different types of challenges when creating these applications, due to the changing ecosystems of mobile devices. Let us discuss some of the issues. 

Challenges to be Faced in Mobile App Development 

There is a vast variety of challenges that can arise throughout the development phase of an application. This can happen from the correct approach to creating the application to creating app, to implementing security measures, that can stand out in the saturated market. 

  • Development Approach 

When you start an app development project, you will have to consider what development technology you want to go for. The real issue here lies in identifying the needs and behaviors of your consumers and then choosing the right approach that will offer them the best possible experience. There are three app development approaches you may choose from: 

  • Screen Compatibility 

A wide variety of challenges in mobile app development ensures your app works well on your mobile devices. It means, it should cater to various screen sizes of popular devices, be they tablets or mobiles. Ensuring your application is compatible with multiple devices and the size of the screen can be difficult. If your mobile app does not fit well, it can diminish the user experience. As Samsung announced the development of a new foldable OLED screen, a new challenge has arisen in creating foldable apps. Samsung claims that many apps are adapting to its foldable handsets. 

  • Integration with External Devices 

Connected wearable technology is becoming increasingly popular all over the globe. The number of wearable gadgets numbered around 920 million last year. We can assume that such wearable technology is going to slowly become a significant part of our lives. Apple launched the operating system of the Apple Watch, and watches have had their app store as well. All of this points to the emergence of wearable technology. This is a modern app development issue that app developers require to overcome if they create successful apps in 2022. 

  • High-Security  

Security is an absolute top concern among both app developers as well as their consumers. A few years ago, Uber was hacked, and the hackers managed to steal the personal information of millions of drivers and customers. Google search can provide you with multiple such stories. As new threats keep presenting themselves through the use of applications, a deal of attention is being paid by enterprises to keep security strong. Malware attacks and Data leaks can hamper the trust of a company among its customers. 

  • Budget 

One of the major issues in app development is rising costs and keeping the project within the budget. It takes A long time to develop the app, more likely it is going out of budget. If more app testers, designers, and other experts have to be brought into the project for extra hours, the budget can be controlled very quickly. 


Most businesses actively notice the problems within their mobile app and ensure the right outcome. We have highlighted some challenges you can run during your app development project. Once you have these challenges figured out before commencement on such a project, you must have no issues creating a user-friendly and robust app well within your budget and time scope. 

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